Page last updated: 02 November 2023

Warnings and alerts

This list of warnings and alerts on this page contains the names of businesses or individuals you should be wary of if you are planning to invest. The list is not exhaustive and there is no guarantee that the business or individual listed has not changed their name.

Before you invest, we recommend that you take steps to protect yourself from being scammed and check the provider is listed on the Financial Service Providers register (FSPR). The FSPR can help you:

  • obtain a business address
  • see the types of financial services the registered company, or individual, provides to customers. Some examples include; money transfers, investment management or financial advice 
  • see any licences or an authorisation status that the company or individual may have
  • see what dispute resolution scheme they belong to.

You may also wish to refer to the IOSCO investor alert list for international scam alerts.

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Frustrated person who has been the target of a scam

Search Results

Found 593 results. Displaying page 9 of 40

  1. Suspected scam

    1 March 2023

    Investor warning: EZ Markets

    WARNING: FMA warns of suspicious article published by EZ Markets that could indicate a potential scam.
  2. Suspected scam

    14 February 2023

    Scam warning: NZ Residents contacted through WhatsApp to trade in cryptocurrencies

    WARNING: We have received a complaint from a New Zealand resident who was contacted by Global Venture, through WhatsApp, to trade in cryptocurrencies through their trading platform. We are concerned that Global Venture may be involved in a scam. Global Venture is unreasonably withholding the complainant’s funds and is requesting further funds to enable a withdrawal.
  3. Fake regulator
    Suspected scam

    12 December 2022

    Krypto Security charges non-existent fees

    A New Zealand resident was charged large fees by Krypto Security who claimed to be able to help recover stolen cryptocurrencies.
  4. Suspected scam

    5 December 2022

    Suspected scam involving IKICI

    WARNING: We are aware that a New Zealand resident was unable to recover the bitcoins they paid to IKICI for trading purposes.