Page last updated: 21 July 2022

Corporate publications

FMA Outlook
The FMA Outlook is a one-page summary providing our stakeholders with details of the FMA’s priority objectives and intended programme of work for th ...
Statement of Performance Expectations
The FMA's Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) is one of two documents that set out how we will measure our performance and report on the progr ...
Statement of Intent
The Statement of Intent sets out how we will measure our progress against our strategic intentions in the medium term. It should be read in conjunctio ...
Annual Report
The FMA's Annual Report details the results we have achieved against our stated intentions. These results then feedback into our next cycle of directi ...
Annual Corporate Plan
Our Annual Corporate Plan provides details of the FMA’s priority outcomes and intended programme of work for the financial year.
Strategic Risk Outlook
The FMA's Strategic Risk Outlook provides our medium-term view (three to five years) of the most significant risks to and opportunities for promoting ...