Standard conditions
The FMA has published guidance on the standard conditions that are generally imposed on a peer-to-peer lending service licence by the FMC Act, the regulations, and the FMA.
Download the Standard conditions for peer-to-peer lenders PDF.
The FMA may also impose specific (or non-standard) conditions on a peer-to-peer lending service licence on a case-by-case basis. The FMA will notify you of these conditions when the licence is granted.
Notifying the FMA
All notifications should be emailed to the FMA (unless we state that the relevant notification form is available on our Online Services portal) at [email protected] noting the relevant obligation in the subject line of your email.
Regulatory returns
Peer-to-peer lending service licensees are required to submit an annual regulatory return to the FMA. Regulatory returns provide us with up-to-date information to help us to understand the businesses that we regulate and to determine the focus and priority of our monitoring activities.
Submit your regulatory returns online at FMA Online Services portal
To complete the return, you will need to log into Real Me. After logging in you should select “Complete a regulatory return” and enter the FSPR number of the entity the return is being completed for. Please follow the instructions included in the form to complete the return, you may save and come back to the form at any time.
If you have any questions on completing the new form, please contact the FMA on [email protected].
Other licensee obligations
In addition to the obligations imposed by licence conditions, licensees are also required to comply with other obligations on an ongoing basis. These obligations will depend on the nature of the services provided by a licensee and any applicable legislation. The following obligations apply to licensed peer-to-peer lending services:
Financial reporting obligations
All FMC reporting entities must comply with the following:
- Keep proper accounting records to assist with the preparation of compliant financial statements. Records must be kept in English and a copy must be kept in New Zealand.
- Prepare financial statements for the group's operation. Financial statements must comply with generally accepted accounting practices in New Zealand.
- Ensure that financial statements are audited by a licensed auditor or registered audit firm.
- Lodge financial statements and the auditor’s report with the Companies Office within 4 months of the balance date
AML/CFT obligations
The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the Act) imposes several obligations:
- You must provide a written risk assessment of the money laundering and financing of terrorism activity you could expect in the course of running your business.
- You are required to implement an anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism programme that includes procedures to detect, deter, manage and mitigate money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
- You are required to appoint a compliance officer to administer and maintain your programme.
- You are required to perform due diligence processes on your customers. This includes customer identification and verification of identity.
- You are required to report suspicious transactions.
Client money and client property services obligations
A client money or client property service provider is a financial services provider who holds, transfers or makes payments with client money or property, this includes custodial services. Under the FMC Act, providers must comply with disclosure and conduct obligations. These obligations apply whether services are provided to retail or wholesale clients.
View Client money or property services provider obligations.
Financial advice obligations
If you provide financial advice to retail clients as part of your service, you must either hold a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licence or be engaged to operate under a FAP licence, and you will need to fulfil a number of duties. These duties aim to ensure New Zealanders have access to quality financial advice and it helps to build public confidence in advisers.
Download the Meeting your obligations factsheet PDF.