Page last updated: 19 July 2024


Consultation is an important part of our policy development process. Our consultation is designed to encourage quality engagement from interested businesses and individuals, balanced with the need to complete policy work within the required timeframe. When consulting on policy development we will:

  • post upcoming consultation on our homepage calendar as they are scheduled
  • publish consultation documents that clearly describe the issue we’re seeking feedback on
  • provide a reasonable amount of time for respondents to provide quality feedback.  If you need more time, please contact the FMA
  • publish the feedback we receive through consultation, usually via a summary of the key themes, our response and the names of submitters
  • undertake further consultation if our initial proposal changes significantly and we need additional feedback 
  • publish a regulatory impact statement for significant policy decisions
Consultations landing page image.

Search Results

Found 109 results. Displaying page 2 of 8

  1. Consultation
    Closed - with decision

    12 July 2023

    Consultation: Proposed standard condition on business continuity and technology systems

    The FMA has issued a Regularly Impact Statement (RIS) and summary of responses following consultation on a proposed new business continuity and technology systems standard condition for managers of registered schemes (but not restricted schemes), DIMS providers, derivatives issuers, peer-to-peer lending providers and crowdfunding service providers.
  2. Consultation
    Closed - pending response

    3 March 2023

    Consultation: AML/CFT Act - Draft regulations public consultation

    Consultation published by The Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) on proposed changes to regulations made under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act (AML/CFT Act). Consultation closed on 14 April 2023.
  3. Consultation
    Closed - with decision

    13 December 2022

    Consultation paper: Review of the Small Co-operatives and Irrigation Companies Class Exemptions

    We are seeking feedback on two class exemption notices, being: the Financial Markets Conduct (Small Co-operatives) Exemption Notice 2021 the Financial Markets Conduct (Irrigation Companies) Exemption Notice 2018. The notices provide small co-operative companies, industrial and provident societies, and irrigation companies with a lighter regulatory compliance pathway.