The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) - Te Pūtea Matua and the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) - Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko expect regulated entities to have effective governance arrangements to support boards in their crucial role. Such arrangements enable boards to make well-informed decisions, based on sound judgement and in the best interest of the entity, its customers, and its key stakeholders.
This publication reports on the findings from a joint review of a sample of 29 entities across the banking, insurance, non-bank deposit taking and investment management sectors, focusing on the foundational elements of governance, which include frameworks, policies and processes necessary to assist boards to meet their obligations and help drive good governance outcomes.
Download the RBNZ and FMA governance thematic review PDF
Update: 24 November 2023
The FMA and RBNZ held a webinar in October on the findings from the review with directors of entities that did not participate in the review. The webinar covered:
- The objectives and approach to the Review.
- Key principles from the Review that all boards should consider.
- Highlights of areas for improvement and good practices observed.
- A question-and-answer session at the end.
Download the webinar presentation