Media Release
21 December 2011
The Financial Markets Authority advises investors that Stock& Share Trading Company Pty Ltd has requested copies of security holder registers from TOWER Ltd, Dorchester Pacific and a number of other issuers, potentially with a view to making unsolicited offers for securities held by investors.
FMA has asked that Stock & Share include a warning from FMA on any unsolicited offers they put into the marketplace, and Stock& Share have undertaken to do so. The warning is intended to encourage investors to make informed decisions by talking to an Authorised Financial Adviser or sharebroker to find out what their investment is really worth before committing to selling it.
FMA also advises investors that VonWin Capital Management L.P. intends to make an offer to the bondholders of Irongate Property Limited (In Receivership) who have expressed an interest in selling their bonds.
FMA has also asked that VonWin Capital Management include a warning in any offer they send to Irongate bondholders.
Warning: VonWin Capital Management L.P. and Stock & Share Trading Company Pty Ltd
Case: VonWin Capital Management, L.P. - Enforceable undertaking
Case: Stock & Share Trading Company Pty Ltd - Enforceable undertaking/ Order