The FMA recommends exercising caution before dealing with TradeVTech / UMedia LLC.
We believe the entity is operating a scam. We have received a report about this entity advertising on Facebook using false celebrity endorsements. Their website claims to be a Contract-for-Differences (CFDs*) provider trading in stocks, currencies, cryptocurrency, commodities, and indices. However, they are not registered and/or licensed to provide financial services/products in New Zealand.
Several international regulators have also cautioned the public about TradeVTech -
- Financial Market Authority, Austria issued a warning on 13 Aug 2021
- Financial Conduct Authority, United Kingdom issued a warning on 30 Jul 2021
- The Malta Financial Services Authority issued a warning on 26 July 2021
* CFDs are a type of derivatives and trading them is not a suitable ‘investment’ for most consumers. Anyone who offers derivatives to retail investors in New Zealand must be licensed by the FMA and must follow disclosure and client funds rules.
Entity Name: TradeVtech / UMedia LLC
Address: First Floor St Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: +41225013066; +43720971750