The FMA is concerned that a Malaysian based loyalty scheme, MBI International also trading as MFC Club (MFC Club) is being promoted in New Zealand. We have received reports that MFC Club is being actively promoted within the Chinese speaking community in Auckland.
We understand that MFC Club is being promoted via seminars and presentations and have had reports of statements being made about MFC Club that may be either unsubstantiated and/or false and misleading, including that MFC Club is an investment and the value of any investment will double each year. We note that the scheme may not be a regulated product in New Zealand and suggest that people exercise caution when dealing with MFC Club.
We also note that Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has included MBI International Sdn Bhd and M Face International Sdn Bdn on its Financial Consumer Alert list, which consists of companies and websites that are neither authorised or approved under the relevant laws and regulations administered by BNM.
We have an updated warning relating to a previous warning listed below (first published on 19 July 2018). We have recently received two further reports from investors. See media release.
TRADING NAME: MBI International, MFC Club
MBI International和/或 MFC Club
警告原因:FMA对于MBI International(还以MFC Club为名开展经营)(MFC Club)正在新西兰推广的一项马来西亚客户忠诚计划表示忧虑。我们收到报告称,MFC Club正在奥克兰华语社区内积极开展宣传推广活动。
我们了解到MFC Club正在通过研讨会和推介会形式进行宣传推广,并接到报告称,关于MFC Club的陈述可能未经证实和/或虚假并具有误导性,此类陈述包括声称MFC Club是一项投资,而且任何投资的价值将每年翻倍。我们注意到该计划不是在新西兰受到监管的产品,并建议人们在与MFC Club开展交易时谨慎从事。
我们还注意到马来西亚国家银行( BNM )已将MBI International Sdn Bhd和M Face International Sdn Bdn列入其金融消费者警示名单,该名单包含未经相关法律和BNM监管法规授权或批准的公司和网站。