26 January 2024

Altera Global Limited – Suspected scam

We recommend caution when dealing with Altera Global Limited. Altera Global is offering financial products and services but isn’t registered on the Financial Service Providers Register.

We have received a report that Altera Global representatives have been targeting individuals on social media, trying to convince them to invest funds. This is a common online scam tactic.

Altera Global also claims to be located at the Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland; however, we have had confirmation that no entity of that name has ever operated from that address.

Entity: Altera Global Limited
Website: altera-global.com
Address: (Alleged) Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 09 242 0960; +64 21 112 3144
Telegram: @Ante_Pachich
Wechat: Ante_Pachich