We recommend caution when dealing with Ellev8, or any individuals or entities promoting its services or products. Ellev8 offers various training courses in foreign exchange products and cryptocurrency trading and appears to use multi-level marketing techniques.
We are concerned that Ellev8 is providing financial advice without being regulated in New Zealand. It is not registered on the Financial Service Providers Register or authorised to provide any financial advice to New Zealand residents.
We are also concerned that its promotional activity potentially creates an overall misleading impression that easy money can be gained in financial markets after subscribing to its training courses.
Trading in foreign exchange products and cryptocurrencies involves risk which may result in financial loss.
Further information can be found here: Foreign exchange trading, and Cryptocurrencies.
Entity name: Ellev8
Websites: ellev8.com; poweredbyigo.com/ellev8; ellev8yourlife.com
Associate: Ibuumerang (website: ibuumerang.com)
Email addresses: [email protected]