We recommend caution when dealing with Banker Quotes or any individuals or entities promoting its services or products. Banker Quotes claims to be a multi-level marketing company that specialises in high-frequency trading strategies software related to cryptocurrency and forex markets.
We are concerned that Banker Quotes is offering financial services in New Zealand, while not being authorised or registered on the Financial Service Providers Register to provide these services.
Banker Quotes requires individuals to purchase licenses to access their high-frequency trading system and to open a broker account with a broker that is not registered or authorised to provide services in New Zealand.
Banker Quotes’ promotional activity on social media platforms may create an overall misleading impression that high returns can be gained easily by using its product.
Trading in forex and cryptocurrencies markets involves risks which may result in financial loss.
Entity name: Banker Quotes
Website: www.bnkquotes.com
Email address: [email protected]; [email protected]