Document Library

A filtered search by topic for all guidance, reports or research documents stored on the FMA website.

Found 76 results. Displaying page 2 of 6

  1. 4 April 2023

    Effective disclosure guidance

    This guidance note is for Issuers of securities under the Securities Act 1978 pursuant to the transitional provisions of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. It is also for their directors and advisers. It gives guidance on the approach the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) intends to take in reviewing prospectuses and investment statements for compliance with the law.
  2. 30 March 2023

    Content and form of Disclose register information guidance

    This guidance note is for Issuers and advisers who are required to produce a register entry for an offer of financial products under the FMC Act 2013. It gives guidance on matters the FMA recommends you consider when producing your register entry.
  3. 15 December 2022

    AML/CFT Designated Business Group – Formation and Change Guideline

    This guideline 2022 is designed to help reporting entities forming a designated business group (DBG) to understand the process for doing so. Entities may form a DBG if they are eligible to do so under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the AML/CFT Act) and associated regulations.
  4. 16 August 2022

    Licensed Insurer Climate Reporting Entities Flow Chart

    This flow chart, for Licensed Insurers, is to help determine if your organisation is a Climate Reporting Entity. This chart is only for guidance. It should not be considered to be, or relied on as, legal advice. Please ensure you undertake your own due diligence.
  5. 16 August 2022

    Listed Issuer Climate Reporting Entities Flow Chart

    This flow chart, for Listed Issuers, is to help determine if your organisation is a Climate Reporting Entity. This chart is only for guidance. It should not be considered to be, or relied on as, legal advice. Please ensure you undertake your own due diligence.
  6. 9 July 2021

    AML/CFT - New regulation for nominee directors and nominee general partners

    Reporting entities will be expected to comply with the new regulation as soon as possible from 9 July 2021. However, in recognition that reporting entities will need to amend their processes and procedures (and potentially systems), a transitional compliance period will apply until 29 April 2022.
  7. 1 July 2021

    AML/CFT Regulation Update 2021

    New Zealand’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) system is intended to adapt as money laundering and terrorism financing risks evolve. Two regulations, that are a key part of the AML/CFT system, were due to expire. These are the AML/CFT (Exemptions) Regulations 2011 which were scheduled to expire on 30 June 2020, and the AML/CFT (Definitions) Regulations 2011 which partially expire on 27 July 2021.
  8. 13 April 2021

    KiwiSaver performance fees guidance note

    This guidance note updated in 2021 is intended for the managers and supervisors of KiwiSaver schemes. It sets out the criteria against which the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) will assess the reasonableness of performance fees.
  9. 13 April 2021

    Managed fund fees and value for money - guidance

    Guidance and principles to help managers and supervisors of KiwiSaver schemes and other managed investment schemes to demonstrate how they are meeting their existing obligations, statutory duties, and conduct expectations in respect of fees and value for money. Published in April 2021.